Join a Premier Financial Services Company

Learn What You Need To Boost Your Career

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If you have been thinking about a role in the financial services industry, or are early in your career, you may qualify for our Wealth Advisory Residency Program.

Becoming a financial professional can be very rewarding, which is why many individuals consider it a desirable profession. You get to help everyday people align their financial plans to what matters most. You get to engage with a variety of clients. You get to use your skills, knowledge, and experience to solve problems.

Is it hard work? Yes. But it can be worth it, both in terms of job satisfaction and compensation.

The big challenge—and maybe you’ve heard this—is that many new financial professionals don’t make it past their first two years in the business. Maybe this is what has kept you from jumping in. Maybe this is what’s giving you doubts in the early years of your career.

Tremont Street Financial Group can provide you with the tools, processes, and support needed to flourish in your financial services professional career. We are considering qualified candidates to participate in our Wealth Advisor Residency Program.

Wealth Advisory Residency Program Events
Feb 26th or Feb 28th



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What You'll Learn

  • Create your own leads by engaging business owners

  • Establish valuable partnerships with other Centers of Influence (COIs)

  • Bring financial planning solutions to individuals and families

Our Core Values

Tremont Street Financial Group believes in wholistic planning. The way things are structured now, with robo-advisors and self-service options, consumers can purchase a product by themselves. But that’s just it—they are buying a product, without a trusted financial professional looking at the full scope of their financial and retirement needs.

We seek to leverage our knowledge, skills, and experience to provide services no algorithm can provide. We aim to develop lifelong relationships with our clients, becoming a trusted resource through all of their life events.

  • Act in the best interest of the client

  • Ensure clients clearly understand solutions and strategies recommended to them

  • Empower clients through education, analysis, and evaluation of their financial life

Agents are Expected To:

Our Agents Are Expected To:

  • Advocate For Clients
  • Demonstrate Honesty, Integrity, and Empathy
  • Commit To Our Processes
  • Follow Through On Lead-Generating Activities

Benefits for Agents

Agents with Tremont Street Financial Group enjoy:

  • Competitive Compensation Levels
  • Marketing and Training Support
  • Proven Processes
  • Licensing Assistance (Life and Series 65)

Smarter Strategies For Better Results

Are you tired of buying dead end leads? Tired of bugging your relatives for appointments? Are the networking meetings not filling your pipeline? Have you hit a plateau? Are you getting referrals from centers for influence?

Join us for our Wealth Advisory Residency Program

Learn how we built a full-service RIA firm from scratch—with no rich uncles.

Tremont Street’s Wealth Advisory Residency Program aims to develop promising agents and advisors into highly successful, knowledgeable, and skilled financial professionals. Qualified agents will enjoy paid training and development throughout their residency, with the possibility of a full-time position at the end of the training period.


  • Unique Sales & Marketing Principles
  • Exclusive Financial Planning Processes to Close More Sales
  • How to Develop Advanced Relationships and Aligning with Centers of Influence
We have two info sessions for our Wealth Advisory Residency Program. Submit your information to register.

Feb 26th or Feb 28th

1301 Fanning Street
Suite 2440
Houston, TX, 77002

    Fill out the form below to learn how we can help you.